YouTube Notifications


I've Got It
Hey guys :wavespin:

I entered one of my monologues, "Paparazzi Fart" into an Acting Contest. The publisher of the monologue posted my video on his YouTube page and included a link to my YouTube channel. :woohoo!:(Free advertisement) Lol! Anyway. I was wondering if there was any way I could received notifications from my monologue through his channel? I'm already subscribed to him channel so I get the regular notifications. However, I would like to received notifications from a particular video on his channel (my monologue). I want to keep track of the progress it makes. Is that possible? :smile22:
Hmm, I just tried to Google this question but as I figured...I don't think there is a way to get notified when someone comments on another person YouTube video unless it was a reply to a comment you made on the video. I think the best way to go about it is to just keep checking the video everyday to see what responses are coming in! You could even "bookmark" the video on your internet browser for easy access to the video so you can check in on it.

I hope this helps. ^_^ <3
I´m guessing he wants notifications from another persons video, Which I don´t could happen, the only thing I could think of is if you post a comment on the video, and someone replies to that comment, you will get a notification, but otherwise no!
You might try one of the free browser plugins that check websites and reports when they’ve changed. There are several: Page Monitor, Versionista, Change Detector, etc. These plugins check out the URL you want to monitor and tell you when it’s been changed or updated. As people leave comments, you’d get a notification that the page has changed. Might work for you...
You might try one of the free browser plugins that check websites and reports when they’ve changed. There are several: Page Monitor, Versionista, Change Detector, etc. These plugins check out the URL you want to monitor and tell you when it’s been changed or updated. As people leave comments, you’d get a notification that the page has changed. Might work for you...

Thank you so much!