Services youtube graphics [read description]

Sadly, she won't be online until at least tomorrow night, if not the day after since she has Comic Con.
Sorry for the delay, she apologizes most sincerely! I hope you can wait a little while longer! :happy:
Hello im need of logo and banner. And they both should have same style of background like i have now and also text having Glowing effect. So it would be looking good with that intro. On banner below the channel name (Antirannikko) should read Suomalaista Pelaamista. No rush on my Request and i hope there is not so much typos on my post :D
I am in real need of a banner to make my channel look really good when I upload my first vids, and I was wondering if you could help? here's my skype: Person099

im at home now and look for the pic. but it dosnt look that good. cause the destop size. (please look on my side how it looks)

is it possible that you can do that:
- categorisize the games, left side ff with the background (the big yellow chocobo can out of it, because its to much) and the ff chars
- in the middle zelda with
- and on the right side kingdom hearts (delete the grey chars, because i dont want them double in the pic. the colourd chars its enough.

the logos of the games could be above every side.

can i also have the psd? for some mini fix?
is that possible?

im at home now and look for the pic. but it dosnt look that good. cause the destop size. (please look on my side how it looks)

is it possible that you can do that:
- categorisize the games, left side ff with the background (the big yellow chocobo can out of it, because its to much) and the ff chars
- in the middle zelda with
- and on the right side kingdom hearts (delete the grey chars, because i dont want them double in the pic. the colourd chars its enough.

the logos of the games could be above every side.

can i also have the psd? for some mini fix?

at the end of the day i can only do so much on the banner space for pc because it is so minescule ill see what i can do if i cant fix it to your specfications i'm sorry, but i'm only human i tried very hard on the one i made for you, personally what your asking for is too detailed for what a youtube banner is[DOUBLEPOST=1374589573,1374589369][/DOUBLEPOST]
hey could u please make me a banner? :)

what kind of banner would you like? style? flashy? modern? classical style?
if you have some sort of reference ill try to make it ^_^[DOUBLEPOST=1374589790][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hello there!

Hope i'm not to late for this.. :) but i'm starting a new channel but before i start uploading there.. i want it to be finished all the way..

i still need..

youtube banner
End slate

And seeing you offering to make banners :D i kinda hope you are willing to make me one :)

I got this idea a while ago.. not sure if it i to much work or not.. but.. ill give it a shot ;)

As i'm going to play on console and on pc.. kinda both a little bit of a theme.. and i thought it would be cool.. if there is a lighting looking thing in the middle of the banner... and on the left side saying

Sneaky Dodo.
With the colours of the dodo picture ill upload with this msg aswell :) Woud be great to somehow include that picture on the left side aswell :)

Then on the right side:

Saying:" Sneaky Console "
With matching colours and then with the console picture (tht i include aswell) on the right side...

Somewhere where it looks nice and clean the tekst:" Subscribe Now! "

hope you can help me out!

if you send the image files ill see if i can sort it for you :P