Hello there!
Hope i'm not to late for this..

but i'm starting a new channel but before i start uploading there.. i want it to be finished all the way..
i still need..
youtube banner
End slate
And seeing you offering to make banners

i kinda hope you are willing to make me one
I got this idea a while ago.. not sure if it i to much work or not.. but.. ill give it a shot
As i'm going to play on console and on pc.. kinda both a little bit of a theme.. and i thought it would be cool.. if there is a lighting looking thing in the middle of the banner... and on the left side saying
Sneaky Dodo.
With the colours of the dodo picture ill upload with this msg aswell

Woud be great to somehow include that picture on the left side aswell
Then on the right side:
Saying:" Sneaky Console "
With matching colours and then with the console picture (tht i include aswell) on the right side...
Somewhere where it looks nice and clean the tekst:" Subscribe Now! "
hope you can help me out!