YouTube Fatigue

Number #1 thing I do as a small youtuber. Don't sit there and watch your view count.

Good advice and it's true for all YouTubers, regardless of size. Analytics is really really useful but it's also all too tempting to spend hours staring at the screen. I actually have some software that blocks a list of websites of my choice. It's very useful at staying focused. :)
I'm feeling like this, this past week and half. I see other creators getting subs and views faster than I can even breathe and I get so upset... Honestly feel like giving up.
Best of luck to you and your channel!
I'm feeling like this, this past week and half. I see other creators getting subs and views faster than I can even breathe and I get so upset... Honestly feel like giving up.
Best of luck to you and your channel!

Last time I felt like giving up, I took a step back from my channel and asked myself "Is this the type of channel I want to do?" Just because most people may start with one type of channel and realize they want to do something completely different. :) If you answer yes, then keep pushing forward and remember that enjoying something you do, is way more important then subs & views. Those will come in time.
I absolutely know how it feels. Seeing a video you've spent so many hours working on (from idea generation, scripting, filming/animating, voiceover recording to editing) only to be watched by a few people is certainly discouraging.

I often need to remind myself that animating/vlogging on YouTube was something i wanted to do for years and i've spent so much time thinking about it, that i'm glad i'm finally doing it! Hopefully you can be inspired by the core motivations from which you started making Youtube videos. All the best!
So often I feel that way... but when you take time to see how everybody else grew (not like the 1000 degree knife videos) then you get motivated :) Also it takes years to grow a business so that it gets stable and good, so why is it not viewed the same for youtube?
Number #1 thing I do as a small youtuber. Don't sit there and watch your view count. If you do, you'll get more and more disappointed at the lack of views. What I do, is make the video, publish it, share it where ever I can, reply to any comments you get on your videos (if any) and continue on to the next video. Your main focus shouldn't be your views, it should be sharing and promoting yourself wherever you can without spamming of course. :)

Yeah I completely agree with this, whenever I focus on my views it gets a little depressing but if I forget about it and focus on the videos then I feel a little motivated :D These things take time afterall!