I think he hates them because they're scammers. I encountered them after a WEEK of being on YouTube. I had about 15 subs, and only a hundred or so views, and they were all over me like a rash trying to scoop me up. Turned out they were stealing people's videos when submitted and not crediting, but using the tags etc. Stick to the big guns, like Game Station and SocialBlade, etc.
I never Uploaded A video which I didn't shoot/edit/work on ! I always work on my videos :P
Well, to some people you are a small partner. Do you want them to look down on you? How would you feel if Ray William Johnson or JennaMarbles told you that they hate you because you don't have as big a youtube channel and you're partnered?
Depends on which one of my channels your talking about :p they range from 170 subs to 6k subs