Channel has to be over a month old, 110 views a day is pityful for applying for partnership and shows your just in it for money plus Fullscreen are just back from a break so they have a backlog!
I want the features -_- I even made a background with a banner and stuff :p I couldn't care less for the money , and I wouldn't be making much :P I'll give it to you if you want ! and creatorX is okay with 110 per day :p
Well you certainly have the views. Bear in mind sometimes if you're not accepted, they don't always reply. At least I read that on (I think) Machinima.
Well creatorX is different than Machinima :p
Plus I thought they were only back today :confused:
No I heard from the CreatorX account that I'll get a reply between 2-4 jan that's why I'm excited :p
Channel has to be over a month old, 110 views a day is pityful for applying for partnership and shows your just in it for money plus Fullscreen are just back from a break so they have a backlog!
If you had an opportunity to make money doing something you enjoy as a hobby, wouldn't you take it? Of course you would and you'd be a liar to say otherwise. Some people might actually need the money you would get from being partnered, did you ever think of that? You shouldn't badmouth people like this because it's a good way to p**s people off and lose potential friends.
If you had an opportunity to make money doing something you enjoy as a hobby, wouldn't you take it? Of course you would and you'd be a liar to say otherwise. Some people might actually need the money you would get from being partnered, did you ever think of that? You shouldn't badmouth people like this because it's a good way to p**s people off and lose potential friends.
He can use adsense its because of people like him that YouTube is over saturated with networks and full partners
If you had an opportunity to make money doing something you enjoy as a hobby, wouldn't you take it? Of course you would and you'd be a liar to say otherwise. Some people might actually need the money you would get from being partnered, did you ever think of that? You shouldn't badmouth people like this because it's a good way to p**s people off and lose potential friends.
It's okay let him say what ever he wants :P
He can use adsense its because of people like him that YouTube is over saturated with networks and full partners
In matter of Fact I CAN'T .... I have video Game footage on my channel so that's a problem ..
It's okay let him say what ever he wants :p

In matter of Fact I CAN'T .... I have video Game footage on my channel so that's a problem ..

Half of the networks on youtube don`t have the licenses lol, they just say they do

Your channel isn`t as bad because it has good growth , I just hate really small partners
Half of the networks on youtube don`t have the licenses lol, they just say they do

Your channel isn`t as bad because it has good growth , I just hate really small partners
Well if anything goes wrong then it's their fault not mine :P And why do you hate small partners ? People just got started .. You surely had a point when you channel only had 100-500 subs :P
Well if anything goes wrong then it's their fault not mine :p And why do you hate small partners ? People just got started .. You surely had a point when you channel only had 100-500 subs :p

Sorry (my opinion) but networks like RPM Network, who partner small channels just take over half the partners revenue , then channels realize they won`t be making good money out of YouTube and from that alot of good small channels actually quit
Well if anything goes wrong then it's their fault not mine :p And why do you hate small partners ? People just got started .. You surely had a point when you channel only had 100-500 subs :p

I think he hates them because they're scammers. I encountered them after a WEEK of being on YouTube. I had about 15 subs, and only a hundred or so views, and they were all over me like a rash trying to scoop me up. Turned out they were stealing people's videos when submitted and not crediting, but using the tags etc. Stick to the big guns, like Game Station and SocialBlade, etc.
Sorry (my opinion) but networks like RPM Network, who partner small channels just take over half the partners revenue , then channels realize they won`t be making good money out of YouTube and from that alot of good small channels actually quit
RPM is just pure Sh** , Nobody should ever partner with them or any sub network It has ..
Half of the networks on youtube don`t have the licenses lol, they just say they do

Your channel isn`t as bad because it has good growth , I just hate really small partners
Well, to some people you are a small partner. Do you want them to look down on you? How would you feel if Ray William Johnson or JennaMarbles told you that they hate you because you don't have as big a youtube channel and you're partnered?