your favourite youtubers on YTtalk?

I really like this guy called Doronsmovies, such an amazing person. Jk, i cant name people but all i know is that those helpful people are awesome. :D
Guuurrrlll (I know you are a male, just go with it) Don't be lying to me! Ain't nobody got tiiime for all that! Lol
Honest... Cross my heart hope to die, poke a needle in my eye :p lol my 10year old sister always says that :D atleast its better than YOLO SWAG.
Just turned 10 lol :p
Is she in public school? Lol

Well my favourite Youtubers on YTtalk are...

Callum Handley William Phan gisikw SakuraPaws pawtaytoe Luis Patino Wreckless Eating Richnode samcambolt270

These guys i watch your videos constantly when they're up.

There are other lovely people i have subbed to and still watch :)
Awww, I love you Ed Wilson! You are one of the people who's video I can watch all the way through. ;p So that makes you a favorite. (incase you couldn't tell)