Well you're stuck till they will release you. Nothing really what you can do, but you can try spamming them.
You are required to accept the terms of contract as part of the application processAwesomeness TV just put a partnership on my account when I applied I got a invite but I'm 110% positive I did not follow up the instructions on the email.
I want this poor partnership off my channel asap I do not want to be partnered with them. I did not click accept so I do not know how they have done this.
Ignore the CMS invite.
He can, but he won`t be able to go with another network for the term of his contract (it would be illegal to do so) so he might aswell just go with them now.I'm sure you can ignore the dashboard invite??
You shouldn`t have been partnered without clicking the linkI didnt even click the youtube invitation link to accept. I will get it removed I do not care what it takes.
kool thanks.In a bit youtube will as to merge you channel with awesome tv instead of using there service DO NOT ACCEPT IT. Then send awesome tv a email saying i didnt sign anything... get ahold of creative x or fullscreen or creative or network you want sign and merge channel then awesome tv cant touch you
Well I do want to stay with them and I wont stay with them for 2 years thats ridiculous.You shouldn`t have been partnered without clicking the link
BUT!!! If you do get in contact with YouTube or ATV what are you going to say lol?...
"I want to be un-partnered because you linked my channel to a company I signed a contract with saying I would link to...."