Will I ever be happy?


Active Member
We just realised something that is a little worrying.

When our videos don't get views we can feel quite sad.
But when our videos do get views we tend to think it's due to spam!

Does anybody else feel like this?
Hehe no I dont feel like that.
Allways sad not to get views but it will come as you grow an audience, so dont worry about that
Im not sure what you mean by spam?? fake views or so??
Hehe no I dont feel like that.
Allways sad not to get views but it will come as you grow an audience, so dont worry about that
Im not sure what you mean by spam?? fake views or so??

Yes I guess fake views, we had a period once where our subs went up at the same time we received loads of spam comments. Since then we have become much more skeptical about our stats. Very new to YouTube, the idea of spam comments was totally new to us at the time also.
Well just to 'glass half-full' you guys, most channels have to achieve a certain basic level of success before spammers even can pick up on their existence! Congrats! You may not yet be where you want to be, but you've progressed whether you feel it or not. And your channel is very young.

Q. Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

A. Actually, it's all-full. Half the glass is filled with water and the other half is filled with air.

(OK, that might have been a bit too peppy for a Thursday morning...)
Well just to 'glass half-full' you guys, most channels have to achieve a certain basic level of success before spammers even can pick up on their existence! Congrats! You may not yet be where you want to be, but you've progressed whether you feel it or not. And your channel is very young.

Q. Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

A. Actually, it's all-full. Half the glass is filled with water and the other half is filled with air.

(OK, that might have been a bit too peppy for a Thursday morning...)

We love this way of thinking about it! Thanks for the positivity!
I upload every 2 days. I know that some vids will only get a few views (I dont get sad I just ignore and move on) but every now and then 1 does well and that make me happy.
I see myself as an optimist/glass half full guy.
Are you generally a pessimist/glass half empty guy?
The best way to tell if your views are spam or legit is by looking at your analytics and seeing where the traffic is coming, whose watching, and how long they're watching their videos. I only thing that sucks is that we have to wait 2-3 days until the analytics updates.
I know it's easier to say than do, but try not to get too focused on the numbers in the short-term. - It will drive you crazy. Try to have process-related goals ("Make the best quality video I can and try to upload once per week", "Improve my thumbnails", "Get better at editing" etc rather than short-term results-based goals because you'll think you have failed if you don't get the views or subs you wanted on a new video.

If you concentrate on the process and grind it out, the results will take care of themselves.