YouTube Networks Addict!
now getting closer to $12 / 1000 would be better provided the network % wasn't too much. I suppose the next question would be "how" click bomb protection is implemented. I seriously doubt that it's a case of Google saying .. hmmm they look like they have some fraudulent activity going on but they belong to a network so we'll just void that out. Could it be the network simply monitors for potential activity then takes the appropriate measures, blocking the IP site in adsense and submitting the proper forms that adsense recommends all partners do? I would want to know exactly how the % was justified.
Most people with good networks will be earning at least the same as they were with Youtube, typically higher if they negotiate themselves a decent contract. Also protection from click bombing as others have said, some networks will also offer promotions to give you a really high CPM for advertising something for them. Many new people that partner with youtube now do not receive CPM advertising and just get given per click ad's , so for people like this getting a network can often greatly increase there earnings.