Why don't any of us show up?

Jgaust Online

Active Member
Hey! This is meant to be a question/rant... So I'm searching my subscriptions when I finally realize, I'm all caught up... There's NOTHING else to watch. So then I go over to the home tab and notice it's basically the people I already subscribe to, but like... OLD videos. :(

So then the thought pops into my head, WHY doesn't Youtube highlight a young/new channel that maybe has a lot of likes, or views... Just kind of annoying how hard it is to get your name out there without being "spammy".
I know new YouTubers have to face this competition to get recognized. If YouTube gave chance to everybody, we all were famous already. In my opinion, the videos that appear on my homepage attract me to watch the video. That is YouTube's algorithm to make someone famous through homepages.
Because YT makes more ad revenue from bigger channels. Bigger it is, more likely people will watch, thus ads are viewed. They push for an already big channel to keep getting bigger.

YouTube itself doesn't really care about you growing or starting out, people make new accounts everyday and fail. YT doesn't care about us little guys when there is thousands of us. However those big names, those guys are useful. Can you really blame them for doing what is smart?
The videos which appear in your youtube home page are just a reflection of your technical DNA. If you keep watching videos of certain channel, putting likes and comments, then your technical DNA will be updated accordingly. Technical DNA gather the information of your interests based on likes/dislikes comments and watching frequency. So YouTube algorithm will suggest some kind of videos that fit your interests and needs.
Remember that youtube is a business and like every business they will help the one who is generating the most, hence why they promote bigger channels. Small youtubers or starting youtubers will have a lot of competition and trouble to get notice since again they pay attention to the big ones. Is like in a job. They will keep the one who is making the most profits to the company, or the one who will always say yes to the boss when they call up for you to work. So yeaaaaahhh if you want to watch something new I say check around here the forums or the google communities ^^
I know new YouTubers have to face this competition to get recognized. If YouTube gave chance to everybody, we all were famous already. In my opinion, the videos that appear on my homepage attract me to watch the video. That is YouTube's algorithm to make someone famous through homepages.
I agree