So I was mistaken. When I was talking about not knowing what people typed in for search terms, I mixed up the YouTube search results and search results. You can't see what people searched for when they came from Google. So yes, you can go through and see how people found your video through typing in search results.
In my case, most of my views come from Suggested Videos. Most of the views I get from search was people typing in stuff that I already have in my tags, or they were looking specifically for my video.
Regarding video length, I don't think an average view time of 1:30 on a 20-minute video is worse for your ranking than on a 2-minute video. I don't think it is the percentage of the video that counts, but the minutes watched, and a longer video has more potential for more minutes watched. Do your experiences conflict with this?
Lastly, the more experienced YouTubers usually give sound advice that probably seems counter-intuitive to most people because they don't understand how the system really works. It is also more vague because it requires the channel owner to tailor it to work for their content type, which means it requires more work for the channel owner. The advice from their peers (being those with similarly-small channels) is usually easier to follow and makes sense at first glance because it fits with their current knowledge. It is human nature to sort through suggestions and advice until one finds one they can do with minimal work and/or like the sound of.
Makes a lot of sense, I genuinely thank you. You're one of my new favorite people on here ^_^
I got what you was saying now. Yeah, I never try to rank in google search because people who usually search for things in google are looking to read something, they aren't usually interested in watching a video. So I make sure to target youtube search always and only by using keywords that people usually search for when looking for a video.
I'm going to explain how it's worst. Let's take you for an example. You and Jim make a video with the same exact topic. You both know seo and apply it properly.
He has a 10 minute video that has an average of 5min watch time
You have a video that is 10 minutes long with an average of 1:30 watch time.
Who do you think will rank higher in search? He will!
Different videos same scenario:
You have a 2 minute video that gets watched for 1:30 avg
He has a 3 minute video that gets watched for 1:30 avg
Who do you think will rank higher in search? You will!
So audience retention does matter, you always want to take into consideration your average viewer watch time duration. Hope this helps