Why are people rushing for a partnership

I don't understand why people partner with terrible networks just to be partnered ... maybe 3 years ago partnership would be an achievement, but it can so easily be done now that I just won't partner until i need to. I don't get why people are in such a hurry, yeah it may help you network but being tied down to a network for a period of time sucks and unless you're a director on the network you won't benefit that much from it anyways. Just a thought.. i don't see myself partnering until i hit 10,000 subs .... if i ever do.

If there are people that are partnered reading this, let me know why you got partnered, maybe there's something I'm missing here.

Dude this was one of the big topics we discussed in the hang out last night. It really is true. If you are a small channel who needs instant monetization cause you can't monetize easily, or a channel who is blowing up and could have leverage in negotiation, then partnership makes sense. If you're not in those categories, for the most part it's just a pay cut now... so why are so many of us racing to get that pay cut...
Dude this was one of the big topics we discussed in the hang out last night. It really is true. If you are a small channel who needs instant monetization cause you can't monetize easily, or a channel who is blowing up and could have leverage in negotiation, then partnership makes sense. If you're not in those categories, for the most part it's just a pay cut now... so why are so many of us racing to get that pay cut...

how do the live hangouts work? and can i get in on one of em? :/
how do the live hangouts work? and can i get in on one of em? :/

there's no rhyme or reason to how they work, we just do them when we feel hehehehe. Go in the chillout room and it's the first stickied thread, at least I think it's the first. Anyone can create one, people either join or they don't, usually you tag the people you'd like to join and hope for the best.
there's no rhyme or reason to how they work, we just do them when we feel hehehehe. Go in the chillout room and it's the first stickied thread, at least I think it's the first. Anyone can create one, people either join or they don't, usually you tag the people you'd like to join and hope for the best.

oh okay cool. Thanks, I'll give it a shot once I'm done studying
Well , gaming channels need to be partnered .
Mainly because you are using copyrighted stuff and you need a network that has permissions

You don't need to join a network to monetize game visuals nor do networks have any type of commercial rights for its partners.


P.S you are a partner when you enable monetization and successfully monetize at least one video. So "need to be partnered" is the wrong phrase.
Just a thought.. i don't see myself partnering until i hit 10,000 subs .... if i ever do.

Why are subs so important? I see channels where people have waaaay more subs than my chanels have but each of their videos have like 300 views or less. I have one channel with only 3 videos and 25 subs but it has 100000 views.
My other channel has about 40 videos but only about 100 subs but most vids have a view count from a couple of thousand views to two hundred thousand views. Aren't views more important than subs? Just wondering.
...also if your partnered people ar more likely to watch ur videos and subscribe

The vast majority of the YouTube audience doesn't know anything about networks. Since they don't know anything, they wouldn't know who is partnered or not. They don't watch or subscribe based on whether or not somebody is partnered.
Why are subs so important? I see channels where people have waaaay more subs than my chanels have but each of their videos have like 300 views or less. I have one channel with only 3 videos and 25 subs but it has 100000 views.
My other channel has about 40 videos but only about 100 subs but most vids have a view count from a couple of thousand views to two hundred thousand views. Aren't views more important than subs? Just wondering.

Yeah views are definitely more important. However, usually with alot of subs views will come, usually.
People just feel the need for some reason to be partnered. Take AwesomnessTV, kids who are looking for partnership go to their site & think "OHHHHHHHHH PARTNERSHIP!!! YAY!!!" They don't read the contract & sign it , then they want to leave the network (maybe cause they saw all the threads about ATV) they're in the contract until 2 years is up (you can get out of those 2 years by filling out a termination contract). Then, also we have lots of people bitching on this forum "I'm stuck with ATV for 2 years" it's your own fault for signing the contract !

What i say, if you're just wanting the banner … i don't feel sorry for you if you signed a contract JUST for a banner or custom thumbnails etc. (because the 1channel layout is forced & everyone can have a banner now).

Every network , now takes basically anyone. You many think that's great , but it's not! If you're a small channel they'll offer you a s**t contract.

Again, as Flammy's signature says "Why I am wasting space in my signature telling you this? Because this forum is full of people who think getting partnered is a golden ticket."
Thanks Flammy :)

We should have people read his signature , before asking this questions :)

Just giving my 2 cents on this.