Other Whitelisted. 100% Vanilla Minecraft SMP Server. MindCrack Inspired. 18+

Name: Timothy
Ign: timoweic
Age; 21
Ch name : timoweic, the derp knight
How long i can be on Daily for a few hours before I get into recording my solo LPs
Minecraft exp:been playing since early alpha.
mc specialty: I'm a giant derp :D
Am I mature: yes.. but I kike to keep it playfull too
Skype: Timothy.weichel
First name: Brian
Minecraft IGN: Harrykins
Age: 16
Where you're from: Sibsey (UK)
YouTube channel name: TheM4Gamerz
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 2-3
Minecraft experience: Played since the start of the beta build (can't remember how long ago :L)
Minecraft specialty: Parkour and PVP
You mature?: Yeah
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): jacobofarabia1.255
Any extra info you would like to add:N/A
Hey guys! Once again thanks so much for the interest!

Because of my constant attempts at recruitment, I have actually been made an admin on the server. So I can tell you with assurance that someone with power (me) has actually seen all of these applications and will be taking it to the other powers that be for some decision making A.S.A.P.

Keep the applications coming!
First name: Kirtan
Minecraft IGN: Ender_Zkaterx
Age: 15
Where you're from: New York
YouTube channel name: EnderZlayerx
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 1-2
Minecraft experience: I had played since beta
Minecraft specialty: Dirt Building
You mature?: Yes
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): thekirt11
Any extra info you would like to add: Nothing else
Along with adding new members, we have decided to do a complete reset of the server so that everyone is starting out together and so that the map is not loaded too far beyond spawn in preparation for the 1.7 update.

So this whole week is going to be devoted to selecting new members and finding a good seed.

TL;DR. Sorry for the delay but we should know in the next few days. :p
I have a SMP world i could re-create and offer it up, LOTs of flatland and penty ofeach resource around. i can post a tour of it if you would like

Or i could show you right quick