Other Whitelisted. 100% Vanilla Minecraft SMP Server. MindCrack Inspired. 18+

Well, I'm not sure if you're still taking, but I suppose it's worth a shot, right?

First name: Amanda
Minecraft IGN: DeathByFuu
Age: 25
Where you're from: Ohio
YouTube channel name: DeathByFuu
How many hours a day can you be on the server: It depends, but at least 1-2 (I do have rent to pay, after all). Some days could be more, depending on teaching schedule.
Minecraft experience: I got the game in December '12, I think it was around 1.4.5 or so when I started.
Minecraft specialty: Falling into holes, getting blown up and very rarely getting lost -- I have a pretty good sense of direction.
You mature?: For the most part.
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): Same as my channel/Minecraft username.
Any extra info you would like to add: Uh... I'm learning Korean and I like to drink tea.
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We have now closed applications for the moment. We accepted 7 new members (one of which has already met the ban hammer) and are going to leave it at that for the time being until we see how all the members jive. That isn't to say that the server is full. We will most likely be accepting new members again some time soon so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks to everyone who applied :)
Ooh love a good server me :D

First name: Elly
Minecraft IGN: eleanoraus
Age: 21
Where you're from: The UK
YouTube channel name: eleanoraus
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 3/4
Minecraft experience: I have also played since alpha :)
Minecraft specialty: Minecart tracks, stations and also epic storage rooms :D
You mature?: Yes, if by mature you mean I'm friendly and helpful, and I don't take pleasure in destroying other peoples' hard work.
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): ellyethelwood
Any extra info you would like to add: Would also love to skype &/ record with some other players, never really done that before, but it would be awesome :)[DOUBLEPOST=1378850181,1378850090][/DOUBLEPOST]Oooooops, just saw it's closed, SORRY! Well let me know if you get any spaces and you fancy a Brit joining the ranks :)
We have now closed applications for the moment. We accepted 7 new members (one of which has already met the ban hammer) and are going to leave it at that for the time being until we see how all the members jive. That isn't to say that the server is full. We will most likely be accepting new members again some time soon so keep your eyes peeled. Thanks to everyone who applied :)
Just wanted to add my personal thanks to all those who have applied, accepted or not, it's you guys and gals who will make our server as great as it deserves. I look forward to working with you all and speak to you soon. Please do not hesitate or contact either me or TheOutsider if you have any questions relating to this post.

Thanks from the SpooCraft team.
Hey guys!

So a little while ago a Vanilla SMP server was set up by a gentleman who goes by Spoots. This server was to be dedicated to youtubers to play, build and record together! After a couple issues with griefers, the server was purges of dead and/or troublesome weight and reset. So, we are currently looking for more people to join the server.

Now, I do not own the server and I am not an admin so I do not have a say in who gets in (that isnt to say I couldnt put in a good word for you if the price is right ;)). Hah! Just kidding, honestly if you fit the requirements, seem cool, and can guarantee you will be an active member, I am sure you will do fine!

Please apply here! And check out my channel/all the channels in my featured box's to see what the server and members are like!

Sample Application:

First name: Brian
Minecraft IGN: spoots
Age: 21
Where you're from: Washington
YouTube channel name: spootstube
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 2-3
Minecraft experience: Played since Alpha
Minecraft specialty: Pathetic Deaths
You mature?: Yes
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): [withheld]
Any extra info you would like to add: I speak German as well!
Name: David
Minecraft IGN: Dont have one
Age: 14
Where are you from?: Britain (UK)
YouTube channle name: davidlovesnerf
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 5-7
Minecraft experience: ive played minecraft since it first came out
Minecraft speciality: Mining
You mature?: Yes
Skype name: ultimatesurvivor3
Extra info: i love the mindcrack server and i would love to join that one but this is the closest one i could find :D [btw pls can you accept me i am not a griefer or a horrible player (like somepeople are) pls accept me :) ]
First name: Kobe
Minecraft IGN: LilBeanz
Age: 14
Where you're from: Canada
YouTube channel name: BeanzThings
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 5-6
Minecraft experience: Played for a few years
Minecraft specialty: Redstone, Building, and so forth
You mature?: Yes
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): LilBeanz.Minecraft
Any extra info you would like to add: I'd love to join the server! Looks great!
First name: I would rather go by my nickname so lets just keep it as Tux
Minecraft IGN: tux321
Age: 14
Where you're from: B.C. Canada
YouTube channel name: Thetux321
How many hours a day can you be on the server: 2-3
Minecraft experience: Played since 1.2.5
Minecraft specialty: Landscaping and PVP
You mature?: At times I can be quite immature, but most of the time I am.
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): Tux hi
Any extra info you would like to add: I am half Japanese, half Chinese