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Well, I'm not sure if you're still taking, but I suppose it's worth a shot, right?
First name: Amanda
Minecraft IGN: DeathByFuu
Age: 25
Where you're from: Ohio
YouTube channel name: DeathByFuu
How many hours a day can you be on the server: It depends, but at least 1-2 (I do have rent to pay, after all). Some days could be more, depending on teaching schedule.
Minecraft experience: I got the game in December '12, I think it was around 1.4.5 or so when I started.
Minecraft specialty: Falling into holes, getting blown up and very rarely getting lost -- I have a pretty good sense of direction.
You mature?: For the most part.
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): Same as my channel/Minecraft username.
Any extra info you would like to add: Uh... I'm learning Korean and I like to drink tea.
First name: Amanda
Minecraft IGN: DeathByFuu
Age: 25
Where you're from: Ohio
YouTube channel name: DeathByFuu
How many hours a day can you be on the server: It depends, but at least 1-2 (I do have rent to pay, after all). Some days could be more, depending on teaching schedule.
Minecraft experience: I got the game in December '12, I think it was around 1.4.5 or so when I started.
Minecraft specialty: Falling into holes, getting blown up and very rarely getting lost -- I have a pretty good sense of direction.
You mature?: For the most part.
Skype name (if accepted I will contact you there): Same as my channel/Minecraft username.
Any extra info you would like to add: Uh... I'm learning Korean and I like to drink tea.
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