Where do you get your views from?

My traffic sources for views the last 28 days:
Suggested Videos 47%
YouTube Search 29%
Browse Features 13%
External 3.7% (I get more watchtime from endcards though)

Suggested Videos 38% (~596,000 views)
YouTube Search 36% (~560,000 views)
Browse Features 12% (~180,000 views)
External 7% (~110,000 views)

My top external source is Google Search with ~59,000 views. I only have 257 views from reddit ever lol. Twitter + Facebook + Reddit, is 644 views combined. Maybe I should have done more with that but I didn't need other social media to grow my channel.

As the lifetime stats show I had a lot more success with search views early on and that's how I got my channel rolling. More recently however I've been carried more by suggested videos.
I'm not surprised though, a lot of my videos suggest all my other videos so it's like a loop.
Most my views are internal through searches but I do get a few from Facebook/Twitter.

It's important to follow the 80/20 rule on Twitter. 80% should not be about you and should be interactions and such with the other 20% being self promotion.

I wish I knew oh good sub Reddits to share content, but Reddit is a tough nut to crack haha
I'm not sure if it has been mentioned before. I've been able to generate significant views by creating playlists. You can search how to optimize playlist on youtube. I hope this helps.
47% through youtube searches
13% through external sites
23% through channel pages
13% through suggested videos
and almost 4% is listed as "Unknown"

I have 2 playlists one seems to do alright (Well I say alright...15 views since I started it 7 months ago) the other does shocking (about 6 views in 6 months) so I could probably look into optimising them...I've also more recently made the concious decision to try my hand at social media (Just to try and improve my traffic scores a bit) but its really too early days to tell if that'll yield any results :)