Whats Your Opinion on Clickbait?


I've Got It
just go ahead and leave a comment about what you think, i cant be bothered to type an actual sentence right now
Ive used clickbait thumbnails to the success of my channel. I dont use them all the time though.
In this day and age as a small channel click bait is vital due to certain SEO . If you're already at a decent size and still using major click bait there's really no point but I guess it works. I don't hate it.
I really don't like the blatant use of it.

Shane Dawson is a classic example of blatantly using clickbait. He's basically gamed the system right from the start. He's been doing it for years.

Classic example:


Title: "Miley Cyrus on my bed"
Thumb: Photo of Miley Cyrus next to him on his bed.

The actual vid content? - Shane talking nonsense to a PUPPET called MILLY (oh and the video got millions of views)

Screenshot of the actual content of the video:


Of course if the video had been correctly titled "My puppet, MILLY on my bed" with a photo of the puppet, he wouldn't have got anywhere near that amount of views.

one example of hundreds.....

Ranter Archfiend called him out on it 5 years ago in an excellent video:

(audio NSFW - lots of cussing)

Shane replied to that rant 5 years ago with a vague "I don't care" reply...

His defence that "his regular viewers should know this and that..." is just a cop out because he uses his misleading titles and thumbs to bring in NEW unsuspecting viewers from YT search.

Oh, wow nothing worse than total desperation for views.

/end rant.
Ive honestly thought about putting a babe in my thumbnail but thought better of it. Im sure it works for views, but it probably doesnt make the viewers happy and turns into that boy who cried wolf type of territory, because what if you actually get a babe in your video one time???
True clickbait sucks, like the example of the Shane Dawson one Crown talked about. But sometimes people call things clickbait that in my opinion aren't. Now any "catchy" title is called clickbait, even if it actually is directly about what is actually in the video. A catchy title is important. Even a shocking or funny or whatever title is good. Unless it has nothing to do with what's actually in the video. Like Miley Cyrus on Shane's bed. lol That ain't right!