What's your biggest view count?

My most watched video has about 6k views and is almost a month old. It's a low carb version of Taco Bells Mexican pizza. I had no idea it would gain so much traction, but people like cheesy food.

I'll most likely never see that kind of success, again, but it was fun while it lasted, however, the more your videos get noticed the more personalities to meet. You know the types? They will pick your video apart critiquing EVERYTHING. LOL.[DOUBLEPOST=1491144125,1491143995][/DOUBLEPOST]
I want to see that video, lol. I'm a hot sauce addict!! :)

ETA: I just visited your channel and apparently the hot sauce challenge is a game and not people actually drinking hot sauce. LOL. Embarrassed.:oops:

no i take 1million scoville hot sauce and then try play a game for 5 mins happens a few min in
456 K in 2 years, and still growing with 150-200 a day. :running:
It's about indoor micro drone racing, on a RC club evening at the local school.
Don't know why..
just over 91,000 views, on my older channel, not my gaming one haha, i did a video on how to download music from youtube to your computer
My most viewed video is part 2 of my trip to Seoul, South Korea. It has 490 views and it's 6 months old. Most of the views are from the first 2 weeks after the upload and now it gets couple views a week.
17,500 views on a headphone repair tutorial. I've found that videos that offer some type of value get me alot of views.