What To Do if I can't Upload Frequently?

In between shooting your hero videos, use YouTube live mobile to shoot quick behind-the-scenes videos that don't need editing or a ton of time to film. This will keep your audience engaged as they wait for your next big production.
So one tip that I've gotten a lot is that I should be uploading frequently, however, that's something I can't really do for 2 main reasons:
1) I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to Youtube
2) My videos take quite a while to make
Is there any other way to help grow my audience, besides frequent uploads?
I can only upload once ever week if you stick to a schedule it would help. So always upload at the same time between videos. Being consistent is probably the most important thing.
A good solution would be to come up with a new series. One that is shorter and easier to make to fill in that gap till you get enough time to make the longer form content.
I think an important thing to remember is that this "Consistency" that everyone keeps talking about isn't just about uploading frequently. It can be achieved in multiple ways.

If you can't upload that often, make sure that when you do upload, that the format is similar to your previous videos. You could designate a day in the week that you'll always upload your video. For my channel, whenever I do have content to upload, I publicize it on Saturday afternoon for most of my subscribers. I also make sure that the style of my content is the same and follows the same kind of structure as my previous ones.

This was exactly what I tried explaining earlier but I feel like this is much clearer. This is also what I meant about consistency.
Social media is your friend, whether or not you're uploading regularly.
Use it to promote your videos when they do happen and use it for networking and updating your followers when you're not.
Your audience will appreciate that you're thinking of them, even outside of your upload schedule.