What microphones do you guys use and why do you like it?

I don't even have a mic! OOOPS. They're pretty expensive for my camera and I have other equipment I need to buy, although its on my list somewhere down the line... I just use the built in mic atm, (Canon 600d)
Editors Keys SL300, I was looking at a blue mic but I decided on the Editors Keys one in the end due to good feedback about it. It is a great microphone but the quality is very poor when I record with it from Fraps, when I record from Sony Vegas on the other hand the quality is outstanding. If anyone could help me fix my issue with Fraps it would be much appreciated and maybe even a sub on your channel :)
I don't have a microphone atm since I'm in a tight budget, but if I want one, I'd probably of course go for the Blue Yeti, since I've heard lots of good reviews on it :D