What is your Writing process?

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I am very good at writing :D i normally just make up the words when im recording but when i collab with my friend Callan Wills on a series i write in the dining room :)
Still have not settled into what suits me best yet.

I have done a few totally improvised video vlogs.
1 video where I had bullet points listed then freely spoke about them.
The rest were scripted, my newest video I am making now is also scripted.

My process is simple - If I get an idea I will stew on it for a while think of some good points then in a day or so jump on the PC and type it out on MS Word. Nothing fancy.

The video I am working on now was 100% scripted and am feeling good about how the footage turned out. Just got to edit it and upload.
I bought a copy of Scrivener and use it to

1) collect ideas
2) develop ideas into scripts
3) do the script formatting (actually I still have to learn how to do this in Scrivener but I know it's possible :))

I also have a smallbook notebook that I carry around if I have ideas on the go (I don't like typing things into my phone).
I write better when I'm not in my room, because my room has many distracting things like my PS4 or my comfy bed. Also, I usually have a note card with bullet points of the topic. It includes main points and subpoints. Then when I feel like I have a beginning, middle, and end, I elaborate on those points and write like an essay. I scrub through to see if it makes sense. Then I gauge how long the video might be and I do one final scrub through for errors and holes.
All my video ideas start as a phrase that I write down in a notepad app on my phone. Most usually come from me waking up at 2 am, and typing gibberish in that usually related to a dream. Sometimes its a random phrase in conversation taken out of context. Sometimes I just type words for the sake of typing words. I then force myself to figure out what I meant later from that gibberish. For example, a recent note I wrote myself simply consisted of, "Space Whales".

After reviewing the phrase later, I came up with the idea for a sketch where I'm paranoid about Space Whales coming for me because I have realized the true meaning of the universe. Now that I have that cohesive thought, I write that in a little notebook I keep with me. I use this notebook as "filtration" for keeping good/plausible/unique ideas. In my notebook I also write out, shot lists, props, stuff I need to do/get for sketches and anything else video related.

Finally, if I decide I like something enough or start coming up with enough ideas for a sketch, I write it out as a full script using celtx. This usually takes me an hour or so depending on the script but never much more than that. I don't really have a specific place I do this nor do I have like any sort of music, food, ritual, or anything that I do thats real special. But that's my writing process.

Sidenote: Im claiming ownership over that space whales concept so dont go getting any ideas;)
Most of the time I get the idea for a new video in the tram or bus or also at work.
Then when I'm back at home I simply open a word file and write down what I will say.
Often I don't start shooting it right away but rather wait for a few days where I also make some more changes.
My script ideas usually start as things I just jot down throughout the day. However, my writing process is a bit different since I make animations. Hence, when I do write a script, I am also writing in notes (in a different color) on what I want animated for certain scenes. I definitely recommend color coding for any type of script though. It helps break down what’s going on and, for me, keeps me organized once I start on the video
My script ideas usually start as things I just jot down throughout the day. However, my writing process is a bit different since I make animations. Hence, when I do write a script, I am also writing in notes (in a different color) on what I want animated for certain scenes. I definitely recommend color coding for any type of script though. It helps break down what’s going on and, for me, keeps me organized once I start on the video


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