What is your average subscriber gain vs subscriber loss per month?

As of now:
1. I gain around 10-20 a month and lose maybe 1-3 (Im just starting up again)

2. Losing subs do bother me since I never know why, if I could learn from each one on how to improve would be nice.

3. I only unsubscribe if the content no longer entertains me, or if they have given into changing for money.
Seems lately I've only been gaining about 5-7 subs a month. I have gained over 40 in a month before but it's been awhile since that. I dont really lose subs I just stop gaining for long periods and stay at the same number. Its weird how I can go days without a new sub then get 2 or 3 in one day. Go figure.
Gain: Around 2.
Loss: Around 1.

2. Yes a bit, seeing how my channel is struggling with subscribers as is.

3. I don't subscribe to channels.
Well, this is the average taken from the 2 months I've been doing this:

1. Gain per month: 300-350
Loss per month: 10-30

2. Definitely. It irritates me that I can't know why they unsub. Although I can tell in some cases they simply subbed to get me to sub back, in which case, good riddance.

3. I rarely unsubscribe unless the person became inactive or changed the content to something I don't enjoy.
Lately i seem to be losing a lot more subscribers which sucks a lot being so close to 1000 subscribers now, i also barely seem to gain recently, my growth is so slow, but anyway i wanted to ask you guys a few questions.

1. How many subs do you lose vs gain per month?

2. Does losing a sub bother you?

3. Why do you personally unsubscribe from a channel?

1) Perhaps a 3 to 1 gain to loss ratio.

2) No, it's petty to be upset over such a trivial matter.

3) Lack of interest, no uploads in more than 6-9 months or complete change in content.