What I Learned While Gaining My First 1,000 Subs

Wow! very wonderful advice and huge congrats on the success you're having. You're an inspiration to us still climbing the ladder :)
very good advice coming from a youtuber who has "made it". awesome to see the community grow as it has.
Holy crap, I was reading this entire post and clicked on your YT link in your sig and saw you had 400k+ subs. Looking back at the 'I finally reached 1k subs'.

You've come a long way OP. Congratulations.
7. Don't Give Up
I can't believe the number of threads I've seen of people complaining that they aren't gaining subs. Then I go to look at their channel, and they've only been around for a month. Unless you have a video go viral, it is going to take longer then a month to get a decent amount of subscribers. I've noticed a pattern of about 2 years before people have a high following so don't get discouraged. The more subs you gain, the easier it will be to get more. When I first started it would take 2 months to get up to 100 new subs, then it would take 1 month, then less then 1 month, and so on. Keep doing YouTube if you ENJOY IT. Don't start a channel for the "fame" or "money" because the likelihood that it will actually happen is VERY slim. When it stops being fun to make videos...then stop your channel for a while. If it's still fun, then keep going. You will get to a decent subscriber count eventually if you have good content & people like you.

You make some really good and valid points. "Don't give up", and don't do it for "fame" or "money"

I wanted to be a pro-YouTuber, but never could get my gaming channel started. I got 9 subs in 2 years due to lack of content, direction, and drive. A month ago, I realized that i needed a creative outlet and as such I rebranded my channel and said, "F**k youtube fame, and screw trying to make this a business. It's taking me nowhere, and I am not having any fun. I will never succeed this way.". I went and sold my elgato hd60 and said: "I'm just gonna talk about movies/games and make little animations about these films as an outlet." So I started recording myself make the videos kinda like a "behind the scenes" thing leading up to the movie review/analysis. Last week, I got 21 subs, and my new videos are getting views. (100s, its low, but it's amazing to me) I got more subs and views in 2 weeks than I did the 3 years before trying. I haven't even done the review yet, and this time around I don't even out my videos or go to forums/Reddit to try and get the video watched. I just uploaded them and people started consuming. It was mind boggling.

Like you said,

Don't start a channel for the "fame" or "money" because the likelihood that it will actually happen is VERY slim

When I stopped trying to be something else my channel started picking up. Yea I am a gamer (hardcore even), but I am not a youtube gamer. Gamers on youtube have to provide something, skill, tip & tricks, comedy, guides, exploits, cheats, personality. I didn't have that and I am not like that. I can't beat a game on the same day, or hit max level in WoW as world first. So I decided, I need youtube as an outlet (helps me with stress) so, screw it, if my videos get 5 views, screw it, I ain't getting rich on youtube. So I just make videos I want to see and my channels getting traffic now.
Such awesome, awesome tips! So true about the video lengths. I've been keeping my videos now to 5-6 minutes to up the watch time.
Congrats on the 1,000 hopefully we'll all make it there one day. :poop: Sorry about the poop, if I use an emoji it has to be the poop one...