What happened to this site? no mods? abandoned?

I think they heyday of forums is over. It is a lot of work to run a forum. Many businesses now use FB and Twitter for customer service. You can set up a FB page, or FB Group, a Reddit page - a lot of easier ways than running a forum. Let someone else handle all the coding and infrastructure. I like forums, but I still miss the old bulletin boards... I am older than dirt, though ha ha :cool:
First time I've popped on over here in a while. Yeah this site seems pretty much toast. I'm not interested in dealing with the obnoxious ads or the obnoxious spambots.

I've been spending my time over on Reddit over the past month. My first time on the platform and not bad as I thought it would be. On the YouTube subforums people ask the same questions day in/day out but those that respond are generally kind and helpful. There's very little of the petty nastiness I've often heard about the platform. And I've found that if you contribute to the conversation and don't spam your videos everywhere, people are generally very receptive to your content. So if anyone needs me I'll be over there (but I'll check in over here to see if anyone is singing my praises. :tongue:)

I tried using Reddit in the beginning, but got a bit lost in the size of it all. Which channels to choose etc.. Anything you can recommend?
Yeah. I think the owner just decided to plaster ads all over it and let it run its course. Someone should post some really bad stuff that violates the rules and see if there are any mods around. You know, kind of like the old saying goes, "If you're lost in the woods. Break a game law and five Game Wardens will appear out of thin air."
I tried using Reddit in the beginning, but got a bit lost in the size of it all. Which channels to choose etc.. Anything you can recommend?

This forum caters to small YouTube channels: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/ They have rules about sharing your channel/content but there are also threads that explicitly allow sharing as well. If nothing else you'll see a lot of small youtubers with the same issues/questions.

I've found that if you join other subreddits applicable to your content and then contribute to that subreddit, people are pretty open if you then share the occasional video.
Also each subreddit has their own rules regarding what is allowed and what isn't so be sure to familiarize yourself before you start posting. Sometimes you can't start threads until you've contributed a certain amount for example. There seem to be a good amount of moderation in each subreddit I've joined so I haven't experienced any sort of those toxic horror stories you normally associate with reddit.
(sorry if I sound crazy and all the typos, not proofreading anything)
nicekid76 has been offline because he hasn't been making any youtube content lately sadly.

Every now and again I want to pump life into the forum. I'm happy some of you guys and gals remember me. It means a lot. Personal life has been very busy, busy, busy, trying to get back into it soon.
I also thought about buying this forum at one point, but the price point that I've heard is way too high. it might have been worth that at one point or maybe he bought it for 6 fig so he rather hold it forever then to lose money selling it. idk. but in its current state, it's absolutely not worth that much... unless maybe those spam bots are clicking on all the ads?

I loved this forum. I still talk to many of the friends I made on this platform.
I reached out to the creator about being a mod here. He seemed to be okay with me being a mod, but then I talked to some former YTtalk mods who I'm still friends with. They told me it's way to much work for only 1 mod.
I'm no stranger to putting a lot of work into this forum. Not to be conceded but like the 2 biggest collabs on the platform were my projects. YTtalk Rewind #1 and #2. That's not to say I'm good or anything, that's just to show that I do really care about the forum. Just wish the person in charge also put effort into building / rebuilding the community.
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It is not a huge deal to set it up technically. There are a ton of bb-boards and such you can install on a server and get it up and running.

But devising it to combat spam, make it user friendly and honestly, make it someone unique is the challenge.
Also doable.

I am not even going to mention the task of bringing in people to post regularly.
I will then. Yes its very difficult, A bit easier though when people are more motivated because not lost in a sea of spam.

hot heads, twitter-types that just like to argue, swear, and be general assbags.
Yes they are everywhere - on all platforms - that's not just a forum problem BUT it does make for a moderation challenge because we'd want to get rid of such tripe whereas by an large other platforms such as social media tend to let it ride.
I used to be a frequent poster on here, ut once the owner turned Google Auto ADs on, it just got too difficult to navigate. It was just lazy of the owner to do it this way, and it ruined the site for me. Plus, my last several posts got no comments, so I moved over to the Tubebuddy forum. I like the people on here better though. There are some real jerks over there and they happen to be the mods. Talk about your ultra-sensitive snowflakes yuppies. You have to coddle them like delicate puffballs and tell them how great they are or they will permaban you if they feel that you even think they are not a holy angel free from all imperfection. Most of the members have little advice of any value to offer either and the most prominent posters just like to argue about anything. I have tried Reddit but I can't seem to find a group that is of any value. It's mostly just immature teen gamers that like to interject the F word as often as possible into every sentence.
It doesn't appear the owner has posted since 2020 :(and usually it was referring to a since fallen staff member. I'm wondering how much longer this website has ever since this new mod came in I noticed a decrease in Spam activity following their announcement :) https://yttalk.com/threads/regarding-the-spam-and-moderation.526420/ truly disappointing and how hands off forum leadership is this forum has so much potential not only for YouTubers but viewers and likely even other creators like on Twitch and all. Leading a forum website isn't even that difficult of a task and takes a few minutes to login and check on things.:laugh2:
I think they heyday of forums is over.
Unfortunately so..:cry2:

Wishing for the better future of YTtalk and community as a whole.:lovedup: