What are your real thoughts?

Hey guys, I am new to the YouTube world and still trying to figure things out. I was on the paid advertisement forum for tubebuddy. I am really considering joining, but i want to know your real thoughts on tubebuddy. I read all the comments, but I have to consider it was a paid advertisement. I would love to hear your thoughts
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Don't. You don't need any service to grow your channel. It all comes organically. If it doesn't no amount of money spent on services is going to make it so. You either got it or you don't. Save your hard earned cash and create the content you want to create. This forum will do more for you than any other forum ever will. At least, that is my opinion.
I use the free version of tube buddy, but it doesn’t really tell any new tags that I already don’t no. I usually go by common sense when it comes to tags and discretion’s and then I double checked on tubebuddy and I had all right tags. You don’t really need it if you can use the right tags and it useful to know how to do it on your own but tubebuddy is good for double checking to make sure you’re useing the right tags.
I use VidIQ, very similar to TubeBuddy. It's alright, it helps you if you're concentrating on analytics & really niching down on your video type/topics, otherwise it's just another extension really.
I also just use the free version, so that's another limitation. I rarely use it anymore, but if you're really curious just try out a free version & see how you go. Never hurts to try :)
I was using the free version for a long time and I don't use it to find keywords as the tool is known for rather I use the thumbnail feature to create my thumbnails it simple and easy to crack out awesome thumbnails.

It also has many other features like saving your channel cards template and using it leter to save time

I think depending on what you want to use it for it can be a very handy tool
I tend to stick to the free version of Tube Buddy. Growth comes organically and Tube Buddy is just a tool to assist that and teaches you how to grow in ways you may or may not know. Yeah...it has features and additional tag words for the paid version but I don't think it's worth it as long as you yourself are working towards improvement. =]
if its used right it's a great little tool for helping to quickly optimise your content and get a feel for what tags are likely to get you reasonable traffic. But its not a miracle worker and investing in it wont turn your channel round overnight. you still have to promote the crap out of your content and constantly refresh your videos every few months. The only reason I ended up with it was they gave me a discount that allowed for unlimited use for £3...I mainly use it to stat and tag check other videos and as a checklist way of making sure I do everything I need to in terms of setting my videos up...also the tube buddy app (While a bit useless at the minute) is more up to date than youtubes own studio app and it gives you live view/sub data almost instantly (I've also found in my area its quicker to load when theres low network coverage...but that just might be me)...all in all? never pay full price for it and dont think it's going to make you famous...it's a tool thats useful if you use it well :)