What are qualities that make a good channel?


I'm curious to see what everyone's view is on this, does having good channel art make it a hit or miss for you or a consistent upload schedule? That's only two ideas on the top of my head that can make a channel hit or miss for some people. Im sure there is a lot more things we could talk about :)
You can have no special design, introduction or something else on your channel, if I come across it and like the videos I'm good with it. Of course it looks nicer if you have a cool design, but my main focus goes to the videos.
Being unique is huge I think. There has gotta be something there that grabs attention over someone else's channel. The themes and content can be similar but something has to set you aside.

I've found that consistent upload is really nice. I've realized how much I enjoy when my favorite channels upload on time and if I enjoy that, then other people must enjoy it too.

I think it's also important to have your channel look organized and have a coherent theme. Some channels I've noticed are all over the place. I don't mean in terms of video concept, but in terms of titles, grammar, playlists, ect. Video titles that don't follow some form of organization really bothers me and I have no idea why.

Ex. "hi it me again let's play some COD" vs. " Snarf Plays COD - 1st Playthrough"

That might just be me though, but I just think it looks more professional and put together.

I also like consistent engagement. Being able to communicate with your audience is huge. I'm sure it gets difficult as you get larger and the volume on comments get to be A LOT, but addressing your audience as a whole can help with that.

Those are just some things I've noticed though. I'm sure there are none things I'm forgetting right now.

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Channel art is probably right at the bottom of the list. Think about your favourite Youtubers and why you subbed to them. I doubt it's because you like their banner right?
Channel art is important, as when people do happen to visit your channel, if it looks at least desirable than they may consider checking out more of your content and even subscribing more than if you had little to no channel art. Consistent uploading though I think is one of the most important things to make sure you do, more important than channel art. Even if you only upload twice a month, or once a week.
A lot of useful stuff guys! I had a feeling a lot of people would be big on uploading consistently.

These are the things I look for and strive to achieve:
  • Consistency and Quality
  • Personal Connection with your viewers
  • Entertaining Personality
  • Good Channel Art
  • Good video ideas (Be unique, don't just hop on any trend you see)
  • Personality (I wrote this again because it's really what makes a channel hit or miss for me, your quality could be bad, you could be filming on a potato, you could have terrible channel art, you could have everything wrong with your channel that's possible but if you have a genuine and likable personality I will still watch and subscribe to you.
P.S. I looked at your channel and you hadn't uploaded, but you have channel art and a twitter linked so I assume you want to make videos. If you do want to make videos, my tip is to just upload, don't worry about your videos sucking because your first videos will suck, but the only way to improve is to keep uploading. I know this wasn't your question, but I felt like I needed to say it. good luck!

Yeah i know, im currently in the middle of trying to find a place a move out so its been taking up a lot of time from me and work as well. So whenever i have time i just try to get all of the channel stuff done like the banners, outros and etc so i can start uploading once im on my own.