Weekends sucks for Youtubers?

I dont really see much of a decline or incline over the weekends. My rollacoaster ride goes up and down whenever it wants to irrespective of the day of the week.
I do feel that new videos do better within in first days if published over the weekend though..
Interesting that everyone has a different input. For the past 5 months I've uploaded on Tuesdays and Thursdays with OK results. Recently switched to Thursday/Saturday uploads...we'll see if it helps but Sunday/Monday seems like a no no.
Thursdays are good for me and the weekends aren't my best. My niche of people are out doing fitness activities lol. Like I'm about to do once I get my behind off of YTTalk. LOL.
Ive noticed some weekends are down periods for me. It usually tails of Friday night and comes back big on Sunday night. It might just be a coincidence because I dont see any reason why there should be slowdowns on the weekend on a world wide site.
my views always drop from sunday to monday and then they slowly climb up with sunday being the peak