Comedy We are casting for voice actors...

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I seen your vids I know I could be of help. I have a blue snowball mic and a high quality headset mic. I also have audacity and a skype recorder program. You can check out my recent infamous second son vids to get the jest of my voice or I could send you a sample reading for persona 4 the animation I just did if you want it.
Heey, I'd love to be involved in this project. Is there like a deadline of any sorts??? And if you want, you can check out my "THE DIRECTOR - Lone Survivor pt.7" video on my page. I do some voice acting there ^___^
Yes there are deadlines or nothing wi get done haha. But the deadlines are realistic. I'll send you more details and I'll check out your video too.
We are in need of a few voice actors for our cartoon. Spots are limited and if we get too many folks we may need to create a waiting list. The benefit we will feature your channel on ours and promote the heck out of you in the comments and after the credits of the video driving you more traffic to your channel. The skit recording sessions are done via conference call and te sessions only last about 15 mins max. We have recording every 2-3 weeks. If you want to hear your voice in a crazy cartoon comedy comment below or send a direct message!

I'm totally up for this.
I do voice overs for work and stuffs so i'm experienced.
I'm 22, Male, British, and I'm also an actor and a musician,
so if you need a British voice, i'm available :)
We are in need of a few voice actors for our cartoon. Spots are limited and if we get too many folks we may need to create a waiting list. The benefit we will feature your channel on ours and promote the heck out of you in the comments and after the credits of the video driving you more traffic to your channel. The skit recording sessions are done via conference call and te sessions only last about 15 mins max. We have recording every 2-3 weeks. If you want to hear your voice in a crazy cartoon comedy comment below or send a direct message!

Sounds fun! But it depends on what sort of people you need and when you're intending to do the recording. :)
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