Hey guys my name is Allison!
I'm looking to connect with more people in the YouTube community and I want to do a collab!! I make beauty, lifestyle,comedy, and fashion videos

Please comment if you are interested and you can also email me at itsalli745@gmail.com

Type makeupisahobbie07 into YouTube search to find my channel, then click It's Alli ( that is my new channel name)


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No I'm not fake I'm just honestly extremely busy with school because I am an engineering major and it's hard hahah so I do not check my YouTube messages often. So if you want to call me fake then there is no reason for you to concern yourself with my YouTube. But if there are genuine and nice people I am fully open to supporting other youtubers. The best way to reach me is by my email which it itsalli745@gmail.com. I rarely check YouTube messages.