can i have a review please i just want to see what people think anyone can review i dont mind
I love Left For Dead, and saw you had some gameplay for it. I told Michelle I wanted her to play some with me (she's on a big Skyrim kick right now).
I'll come back to that in a moment. First, I have a question for you - who wants to watch a gameplay video? Who's your audience?
My thought would be that it's likely someone who:
- Is considering buying/playing the game
- Is curious about the hype, but can't play it in the forseeable future (owns the wrong system maybe)
- Is someone really, really into the game right now, and is looking for tips, tricks, or to see how someone else plays
So then, what can you offer them? My advice would be to cater to whoever you think is going to watch your video.
Now on the positive side, your setup is great. The gameplay capture is very crisp and the audio is great. Your voice is clear, and so is the game.
However, you have a lot of unnecessary filler commentary. "This is...Dead Center...I'm playing as Nick..." 86 that, it's not value add. Streamline your videos
So back to my lead in - I told Michelle I wanted her to play this game. After the video, she said she'd play because I asked, but that it didn't look very exciting. Not to put the blame of not captivating her interest on you, but I think some editing on your part would really do a better job showcasing the game. And I think a gameplay video should be a showcase. Do you agree?
Last thought - When you got frustrated with your teammates for shooting you and vented a bit, that was funny. More clips of that, minus the extraneous stuff!