Viral Video. What do I do?

congrats on the video! If it's on the Huffington Post, I'd share it once, just for good measure. Then I'd say make a video that'll help keep the new audience!
Hey guys,

So, my most recent video has gone semi-viral (it got picked up by the Daily Dot and the Huffington Post), and I guess I'm just wondering what you're supposed to do when that happens. Do you re-share whenever it pops up, in the hopes of keeping it moving? Or would that annoy your followers?

I'm just curious if you guys have any experience with this - as I'm a little out of my element!

Thanks in advance for your tips!

You can try to shop the video a bit more to various online sites to see if you can get a bit more publicity, but it won't amount to that much more unless it gets picked up on reddit.

In the meantime, take advantage of the extra traffic and get the people to subscribe by cranking out the best videos you can-and if possible, cater them towards the new people you're drawing in. Our first massive subscriber boost came from a collaboration with Food For Louis-he's known for eating some really crazy stuff, so a few weeks after we got the plug (led to about 2500-3000 new subs and we only had around 20k total), we released a new main show that featured items similar to ones that he would put on his show. The new subscribers really liked it and they've stuck around-and that video has 166k views.
I didn't know you could monetize a parody song, that's pretty cool! I'm still impressed at how fast you got that video out after the oscars. All-nighter? And congratz! :)
Add an annotation to your video, asking people to subscribe. Also, if you think more videos in the future will go viral, start putting an end slate at the end of your videos, including your social media sites and a subscribe button. And btw, congratulations!