Videos Forum and Second Channel Update/Changes - Important!

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this is actually quite interesting! I LIKE IT! also, I like how we're calling those unwanted people "runners". now I just want to find someone like this and just yell "GUYS, WE GOT OURSELVES A RUNNER!!!!"
Why can't people who don't have VIP membership add feedback to the video? I already get little feedback as is in the video section.
Why can't people who don't have VIP membership add feedback to the video? I already get little feedback as is in the video section.

If they wish to leave feedback they can either purchase VIP or the Access package, if they cant then they can leave you a comment directly on your video which is a plus for yourself :)

We have chose to do this with replies as it cuts down on spam within other members threads, thread hijacking and making solicitations regarding their own channel, we do not want that here in any threads and this should help cut it down.
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