Video ideas! What kind of vids should we do?


Confidence Crew's "Gamer Viking"
Hi guys,

I am part of a five person group called Confidence Crew.
We do gaming videos (funny moments, strange game reviews, commentary), GoPro vids (biking, skateboarding), and other nonsense. We have a lot of varied ideas on our plate, and one thing I've noticed is that there isn't jsut that ONE idea that we stick to. We're kind of a variety show over here.

Not all a bad thing, but I'd like to get some batter understanding from viewers;

What videos would you like to see?
Have any good ideas for us?
Is there anything we should focus on?

Well I'm a sucker for skating videos so personally I'd watch games of skate, board set ups and just general street or park sessions. That's an area of your variety channel that would pull me in the most.
You say strange game reviews which triggers an improv game in my head which we do. Could be fun for you guys?

The idea is you have one person giving a review of a game completely off the top of their head. They must start either saying why each thing about the game is amazing or terrible.
A second person will give you a bit of time to talk and after awhile will shout CHANGE or FLIP.

The person giving the review, even if he is mid scentence must then start saying the opposite about the game.

For example:

The graphics! Oh my god the graphics are beautiful! I could go on all day about them. The skies, the mountains...CHANGE!
They all remind me when my dog died! It's disgusting! I mean look at this crap!! And the music? GOD the music. It's like having 1000 screaming babies on a train..CHANGE!
Its orgasmic! The way those babies scream to create music for this game? its just a work of art. Who ever made this...CHANGE!
One thing I don't understand is why you ask us when you should ask your viewers.
Generally it's beneficial to build your content around a common theme. Sports videos e.g. can be well tailored to fit the depending games if you have that in mind in advance.
Definitely do the things you'd like to see on YouTube! What is the most fun thing for you guys to make? What feels the most satisfying when you're done? Go for that!

I'm a sucker for GoPro videos that feature lots of cool stuff that I can't do, like skating or surfing or skiing. Just in case that's something you'd do. :)
These are solid suggestions guys! Thanks for the feedback.

And you're right. This is a fan related question. However, our sub base is small, so Im just hoping to gather some additional thoughts as to what might stir the pot a bit and attract new fans while entertaining the old.
Can you maybe order them, like game videos on Fridays, GoPro videos on Tuesdays, etc, so your subs know what's coming up and can get excited? Also, by having a variety of different kinds of content, you can attract different kinds of viewers who might also be interested in the other content you make. Skaters like to game! Gamers like to skate! It's a cross platform thing.