Using Twitter to benefit Youtube!

I enjoy twitter on my personal account but when it comes to using my "Youtube persona" it seems as if I have way less engagement even though I have more followers on my youtube twitter. This was a nice guide to go bye, in fact it's what I did. Any tips on actually getting engagement from it? I think people may see my profile as spammy??
This is really helpful and will definitely try this out. Thank you for your advice. Although I know about twitter and have one, I haven't really been sure about how to go about using it for our channel.
I'm finding Twitter weird! I have nearly 400 followers but only 6 Youtube subscribers. I think its because Twitter keeps people locked into the app as much as it can. Same with facebook 110 page likes. It really is hard to draw them away from them and to actually click on the subscribe button.

We have been going through and Reviewing various Razer products and we had the CEO of Razer reply to us and even re-tweet and Favourite a couple of our tweets. we got a massive boost with followers becaue of him but still no extra Youtube subs. I guess its still early days for us and we have only produced 6 videos in the 3 weeks we have gone live and been active.
Great stuff. I need to use this for my new Twitter journeys. I promote my videos too much and am failing to keep up with everyone. Great guide man!