Uploading YT videos on Twitter.


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So I've been using Twitter for like a year to show my videos HOWEVER barely anybody clicks on them. Which is understandable considering how Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites treat YouTube links when shared on their platform.

So I was wondering if it would be beneficial to upload some of my YT videos directly to Twitter. Is it helpful and do they allow monetization?
So I've been using Twitter for like a year to show my videos HOWEVER barely anybody clicks on them. Which is understandable considering how Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites treat YouTube links when shared on their platform.

So I was wondering if it would be beneficial to upload some of my YT videos directly to Twitter. Is it helpful and do they allow monetization?

Twitter has not introduced "Monetization" yet. Beside YouTube, the only platforms that enable Monetization are (Facebook, Dailymotion and YouKu).
Twitter has not introduced "Monetization" yet. Beside YouTube, the only platforms that enable Monetization are (Facebook, Dailymotion and YouKu).
Sigh, I guess that's a disappointment then. I just can't seem to get any views or engagement from Twitter though. Looks like I'll have to find another method. Thanks for the information.
Twitter has not introduced "Monetization" yet. Beside YouTube, the only platforms that enable Monetization are (Facebook, Dailymotion and YouKu).
You can monetize on soundcloud too if you're a musician with original work. Obviously only audio files.
My videos auto link to Twitter when I upload but I rarely go on Twitter.
In fact the only reason I linked my YT account to Twitter was to get varified status here at YTTalk.
My videos also auto upload to twitter, to be honest, I've not really taken much time to see how many views come from there in the grand scheme of things. I just hope that maybe one of my followers might just click on the link.
One technique that I've read about and use myself, is to upload your short YouTube channel trailer to Twitter. Then pin that video to the top of your feed. Now anytime anyone clicks your profile in Twitter, that video is front and center, above the fold, and plays automatically (without sound.) It's really a nice effect, and with good branding and header artwork, lends a professional feel to your Twitter profile. That's the only video I have uploaded.

I do tweet when I release a new video on YouTube, with a link to the YouTube video and appropriate hashtags. I get a fair amount of traffic from Twitter.