Uploading content that is not mine

Chen Davidson

Active Member
I don't own some of my videos in my channel. (I did not made them.) though most of my videos are original. can I still become a Youtube partner?
Technically you could become a YouTube partner, but it is against the guidelines.

If you get caught monetizing content that isn't yours, then you will get copyright strikes on your account and also, you may have the risk of being fined a lot of money depending on the copyright holders.
I wouldn't risk doing that. Why would you upload someone else's video to your channel anyway?
I didn't upload someone else's video. I had a recording of a Beethoven sonata by one pianist, that wasn't on youtube, so I uploaded it and wrote in the description that I don't own it, that's okay?
You don't own it therefore you shouldn't have uploading it in the first place, if you can talk to the musian and ask them if it is okay and they give permission then it should be fine.
but there are a lot of videos on YouTube of famous recordings of pianists.
Kate, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli died in 1995.
There's a possibility that you could become a partner adsense wise but it's against the terms. You wouldn't be able to monetize the ones you don't own either but should be able to monetize the ones you own. It's a bit of a risk on its own, if you are going to try and become a partner I'd watch out as it could be quite dodgy.
Lemmie put it this way. I put a lot of time and effort into my videos, and don't give anybody permission at any time to reproduce the content I've uploaded.

If I'd found out someone was doing this behind my back without my permission I'd do everything in my power to get you to take it down. I do NOT support plagiarism in any form, and if you're planning on being networked it means you intent to make money off of MY hard work.

Not sayin' you've done or are going to do this to me, but have a think about if someone had used your content.