Upload scheduled


Say Hi everybody
Upload scheduled - Have you seen this? It would be really useful fo rmy channel as some of the days I want to upload I don't use my computer or I don't have time so this would be really usefull as I could upload all that weeks videos in one day and they would be seen by the viewers the day there supposed to come out.

Just wondering how you unlock it?
Upload scheduled - Have you seen this? It would be really useful fo rmy channel as some of the days I want to upload I don't use my computer or I don't have time so this would be really usefull as I could upload all that weeks videos in one day and they would be seen by the viewers the day there supposed to come out.

Just wondering how you unlock it?

You need to be monetized, unfortunately. What I did was monetize my videos, then basically disabled the monetization on them (so no rules are being broken), which allows me all the Partner features without actually breaking any rules.
You need to be monetized, unfortunately. What I did was monetize my videos, then basically disabled the monetization on them (so no rules are being broken), which allows me all the Partner features without actually breaking any rules.
I have monetised videos.
I am not parternered I just have monetisation and no it is there but i can't click it. Also you don't have all the parternership features just saying.
I am not parternered I just have monetisation and no it is there but i can't click it. Also you don't have all the parternership features just saying.

Be careful with monetization on gaming videos. It can get your account suspended :(

I will have soon (as in, the custom thumbs, etc). I haven't been on YouTube long enough for those just yet. Waiting patiently hehe.