Upload problems


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to upload new clips from my camera, but it's giving me old clips that I deleted a long time ago instead. I don't know if it's my computer, my camera, my memory card, or even my current editing program, windows live movie maker... Can anybody help?
No, I'm trying to upload videos that are on my camera right now, but it's giving me videos that I have deleted instead.
No. So you mean I may have to transfer from my card to my computer before putting them in a program? I'm doing it straight from the card.
No. So you mean I may have to transfer from my card to my computer before putting them in a program? I'm doing it straight from the card.

It might help to do that yeah. This is gonna sound like a really silly question, but are you uploading the correct file? Could you be picking the wrong one? (lol sorry)
No, I'm uploading the right ones. I played them before putting them in the program, and it was the one I wanted. But it changed to another when I put it in. I'm gonna try and take them off the card and put them in "My Videos"... thanks for the help so far! I appreciate it!