Ultimate Guide To SEO (Appear At The Top Of Searches!)

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Glad you liked the post :)

I recently added a link on the post to a Google Chrome extension that will tell you some overall SEO ratings, but I don't think it is overly accurate on the ratings. It is more just really good to see what others are doing. I don't know of any tool that does tell you the strength of the keyword, because there is no formula for a good keyword. The best way to figure out if it is good is through trial and error sadly, but you can use the information from things like the Google Keyword Tool to enhance the success rate of that trial and error.

Ah I see. Thanks for the heads up man!
Seems like a great guide with a lot of helpful tips, I'm going to try it out and see the results. I shall make sure to comment back here, if there's a change or not, I will need to find out if I did it wrong :p
This was simply magnificent. I have been looking for this for so long. You all have no idea how shocked I am at finding this just on a forum. I expected some Youtube video out there that I would never find would cover this. Simply amazing.
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