just in case you haven't read your contract right through. If you quit with certain networks they take all unpaid earning haha! if you leave adsense and you have more than the threshhold they pay you out...
most network contracts, you can't actually just "quit". You would put in
notice if you felt there was a contract "breach"... at which point the other party would have opportunity to correct the breach. It works both ways and protects both parties and is more or less a standard contract practice.
As you say though... there is sometimes a revenue clause which protects the networks from early termination. Usually, that would need to be a mutually agreed upon event though. Again, there's usually no "I just quit"
by either party, so a conversation would be started and a creator would be fully aware before something like that occurred.
The bottom line is to fully read and understand a network contract
before signing and expect to stick out the term as with any business agreement. One year isn't really that long honestly for a business agreement, so
unless the network is really screwing up somehow... there shouldn't be a need to quit before the end of the initial term.
also just in cause your wondering what other long term affects can happen when rwj left maker he lost yourfavriotemartian "the whole reason he left was they wanted to own a percentage of =3 to produce the album which they brought up at the last second" and they also currently own breakingnyc which he is fighting to get back.
The whole RWJ vs Maker is
very complex... we have no doubt. We don't have any inside info, but wanted to comment here with our take on these points...
Ray didn't seem to be the sole owner of the yourfavoritemartian brand. It seemed like a cooperative effort at the very least. So, it's probably not fair to say he "lost" it.
Ray "left" for a whole slew of reasons and the timeline and triggers are best known by those involved. Seems like something that's been brewing for awhile.
Basically, what Ray is trying to do is an "early quit" ... whether caused by Maker's actions or not. (not siding with anyone... Ray may be right... just stating a general fact)
We doubt Makers "owns" breakingnyc. Likely, it's still under contract with them and it's simply being, uh, held "hostage" by the contract until it's all sorted out.
Lastly, we would say the RWJ situation is a "word of warning" about contractual agreements and being diligent and careful about who you sign with,
but isn't a very good general example. It's all very very complex, so we don't think it makes the best example for most emerging creators who will not experience that level of complexity for long time.
I love Adsense. They fill my stomach.
We agree. haha