To all scriptwriters, do you bother writing a script for your Youtube videos?

I'm just wondering the amount of people that write scripts word for word for their Youtube videos. I do it for my vlogs but improvise on the spot if I get some crazy last minute ideas. Anyone else do this or similar? Or do you find it more natural if you go unscripted?
I have a feeling for my vlogs, that I think of my script before school starts, and then I let it all go when I turn on the camera, scripts are for those who get lost in front of the camera and get shy and nervous, if I was to read off a script, my authentic anger of being a ranter would be replaced with monotone reading.
I don´t script Vlogs... That would be pointless because Vlogs are about everyday life...

I script everything else!

Interesting response guys. Maybe you can watch my latest vlog and tell me if you feel it's scripted or it does seem natural. I'm interested to know now. I like to script for most of my vlogs just in case I lose my train of thought. I've done some vlogs which are unscripted but they always seem too boring. With a script I can exaggerated the words and make it more entertaining. I'm quite sure guys like NigaHiga and Ray William Johnson script their vlogs.

All of my stuff is on the spot! I know what's on my mind and I go from there...
--- merged: Apr 10, 2012 5:35 AM ---
BTW Just watched your video. I liked it and it didn't seem scripted to me. If you wouldn't have said anything I probably wouldn't even have thought about it. Great video too! Kept me interested!
Hmm, I guess there's also a sense of fun and "in the moment" type of recording when going unscripted. My challenge videos are like that, never know what to expect. It's good that people still make videos on a whim. I guess, I do script because I come from a scriptwriting background and when I first started off (you can watch the first few videos) I was very shy and didn't bring out my confidence. Mainly due to my paranoia of what people think of me. But screw it, It's YOUTUBE, Paranoia away!!!
for our short films we used scripts. today everything we're filming is just us saying funny things and if it's funny to us we say it in our movies. as for the vlogs,nothings scripted for me,i just wing it. but there's no shame in writing things down. there's so many times people have lots of topics they wanna cover and as the vlog is being shot they forget about a certain topic and then remember it by the time the vids uploaded so im for scripts! i just can't use em i start messing up what im gonna say if i know what i have to say (if that makes any sense haha) but your vlog was awesome man! you can talk and you don't seem shy at all,and your point comes across! keep it up man!