Thumbnail Review - Which one is more appealing for Kids


maxresdefault (3).jpg Jungle Animals.png Greetings All,

I recently had my channel review by a professional and he suggested I play around with my Thumbnails to see if it will yield higher results. My channel is primary a learning channel for kids so I want to try out different ideas that will gain their attention. After all my audience are less likely to know how to read and will be more interested in what the photo looks like.

Below is a current A/B testing I'm performing and would like to get your opinion on which picture you would likely click on to view.

maxresdefault (3).jpg
Hey :)

First of all i want to say that both of these thumbnails look great, so good job :)
All i would say is maybe make the watermark a little bigger just to stand out a little more but thats up to you and not a big deal.

Personally if i was to think about when i was a kid i would have probably been more likely to click on the top one but that’s potentially just a preference as an animal lover :)

Hope this helps and good luck
i think they're both great! :) i prefer the second, and in my opinion it would look even better with an animal either side to fill the empty space.
i'm not sure of the benefit of your logo on the thumbnail as it wont be very visible on mobile/tablet.

I think both you're thumbnails are great! I really like the first one personally as I have a 1 year old daughter who is fond of animals and she pointed to it.

I am not a guru on thumbnail creation, but I would recommend increasing your logo size to take up almost the entire top right corner even as big as touching the lions head. As the previous post said it would be difficult to see on mobile devices.

Also, some research has been noted that at least 30% over saturated and 15% sharpened image increases clickability rates, so just a few things to consider. Overall great thumbnails and baby girl chose the one on the left. Hope this helps!;)
Just a subjective opinion... Mixed images (second) maybe scare or trouble kids. They do not appreciate complexity as long as they try to analyse the image by their current knowledge and this is a ...what? mom! I saw a tigerkid!!!! So I vote the first one. But again, it is overpopulated :p I really like the lion it is well positioned, relaxed, friendly. The angry tiger and the stretched elephant are too much (I believe), maybe you can replace them both with only your logo. :)
Wow! Thanks everyone for the feedback! BossHogg FGF I love that you got feedback from your daughter because that is my main audience. I have been using the rule of thirds to position my thumbnails, but I never considered increasing the logo for Mobile devices, which is about 90% of all of my channel views. That was a great tip. I will try to incorporate a new thumbnail that include everyone tips and see how well it's received. Thanks!
I believe the 2nd thumbnail is better than the first one, simply cuz it's mixed and unique. but i'll tell you how to make it even better.
Increase the watermark a bit, making it more visible aand if you're using photoshop make a new layer ontop of all, with screen option and put in solid color, for example white blue and then decrease it's visibility to 10-15%|, this will make your thumbnail brigther,better and more effective : )
View attachment 41901 View attachment 41902 Greetings All,

I recently had my channel review by a professional and he suggested I play around with my Thumbnails to see if it will yield higher results. My channel is primary a learning channel for kids so I want to try out different ideas that will gain their attention. After all my audience are less likely to know how to read and will be more interested in what the photo looks like.

Below is a current A/B testing I'm performing and would like to get your opinion on which picture you would likely click on to view.

View attachment 41901
Definitely the first one the second one looks great but it might scare kids seem half tiger half human face
Both of your thumbnails are great, but I think the first thumbnail is better because the second one might scare little kids because of the half tiger and half human face or make them not want to click on it.