Things To Do When Your Channel Slows Down

Check as well your youtube analytics for gender if you have more females or male subscribers in this case if you have more females then think what type of video you want to show them.

When i check mine for some reason is says N/A for both Male and Female..

And i don't know why because i would like to know if i have more males then females or the other way round.

So how do i change this?
These tips are amazing! My channel actually just got out of being in one of those spots and it felt like forever. However, nobody knows when the next time it happens will be(because it will, that's how cycles work), and it's always good to be prepared for something like that because what just happened was the first time that happened to my channel, and I was getting very stressed out especially because it came directly after a period of rapid growth. Next time, I'll be prepared for something like this to happen. Thanks for the tips.