The Ultimate Guide for Lets Players

This thread seriously blew my mind :eek: In my oldest videos i was either, speaking really low, or didnt speak at all because i was so shy, but now, after reading this, i know im not the only one :D atleast im relieved XD and in the recent videos i try to talk has much has i can >.< but always stuttering because i get shy really fast, or its just focusing while trying to play :p
Great Guide. What do you recommend to make sure my voice is heard during recording. My headset isn't really being heard over gameplay.
Good advice... But I use movie maker and never have trouble with it
Hey everyone, first post! I don't currently run a channel, however I will within a month. Planning on doing my first Let's Play on Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeros. I've heard Watch Dogs may be releasing in March as well, so I may be doing 2 Let's Plays at the same time. I'm currently working on an animation logo to use at the beginning of my videos. I'll be using the PS4 as well. Has anyone heard anything bad about the Astro A40? Thinking of using that for audio. Elgato capture card, Bandicam, monoprice converter and Adobe Premier Pro for editing.

What are some popular gaming communities and forums to get involved in? IGN? G4?
This is quite a good guide. :) I have a question i have a laptop windows 7 would this work at capturing games and if so how? As of the moment i capture my gameplay with the use of a Nikon camera it works fine the screen quality is decent and the audios not bad however it can only record just up to 8 minutes. I also edit my videos with live movie maker.