Posting Mad!
Don't have time to read through all 18 pages right now but one thing worth adding to the initial post would be that self-promotion is semi frowned upon on reddit. It's allowed, but only if it's not your account's only purpose - so if you're sharing your links everywhere or sharing more links to your content than other posts, then your posts will start to get flagged as spam. The easy way around this is of course to become a part of the community - if you're a regular in a particular sub-reddit and contributing worthwhile conversation and contribution, then people aren't going to mind if you're also sharing your content there. 
I only just got started on my current channel just over a week ago but I'd say about 60-70% of my traffic so far is coming from my strategic reddit posts.

I only just got started on my current channel just over a week ago but I'd say about 60-70% of my traffic so far is coming from my strategic reddit posts.