The small stay small, the big get bigger.

Introduction. (Yo mods, sticky pliz!)
Quickly before you get into this thread I wanna explain what it is, first of all I've had success on Youtube, and I've tried to analyze the way to getting a larger Youtube channel. I will in this guide try to focus on every step of the way, and give you my 2 cents on how to do Youtube.

The small stay small.
The first topic I wanna round up is the fact, that a lot of smaller channels stay small, even though they have great content, and they put a lot of work into their channels.
From my experience, there are 3 ways of growing your channel, and 3 stages of growth.
The three methods of growing.
The first method of growing: Gateway video(s).
Now this method isn't something you can just "aim" for and get, since it requires you to get a semi-viral video, which appeals to a large consumer base. However I thought I'd mention it since it has helped me grow.

The second method of growing: Sharing.
This one you know all too well, showing your videos to friends or sharing it on great forus like yttalk. You CANNOT grow a smaller channel without one or both of the first 2 methods.

The third method of growing: Natural growth.
This is the kind of growth you want your channel to have, the one you can't get when you're a small channel. The point where your channel grows on it's own, and you get hundreds of new subscribers each day. Don't be mistaken though, noone got to this, without going through at least one of the above.
The three stages of your channel.
The very beginning:
Here we're talking about a channel that has little to no viewers, they can only utilize 2 out of the 3 growth methods. Usually only the second, since none of his/her videos get to be semi-viral, seeing as they get little to no views. Even sites such as Reddit will cast your videos aside, seeing as they're not already sprouting at least a little bit.

Middle stage:
I like to recognize this tier as the point where you don't need to ***** yourself out everywhere, however your growth is still very slow. You may have a few hundred subscribers, and you gain a few here and there, however your growth is very slow. This is the point where you wanna aim for gateway videos.

Think about it like this, someone who sees a channel they've never seen before, which doesn't get alot of views, usually don't watch a 20 minute vlog. However a 30 second funny video of sorts, that's more like it! Keep gateway videos between 20 seconds and 2-3 minutes.

The selfsustainable stage: As I talked about previously, this is the point where your channel will grow on it's own, this is the stage you ideally wanna get to. The rest of this guide will be on how to optimize your channel from this point on, so if your channel isn't this big, try focusing on my previous points.
Going from a medium channel, to a large channel:
Content expansion:
This is where you're gonna wanna look at what you're doing, and expand on that without ruining what you have going. If you have any popular series that your audience likes, keep doing that, however don't restrict yourself.

As a gamer I can give an example, I'm lying around 8500 subscribers, however I decided a long time ago that I wanted at least 10.000 before moving on to doing Let's plays. This is because when your channel reaches this size, you will have more freedom, since many are subscribed for your content, not a single type of your videos.

If you're a vlogger you might also start doing other stuff at this point, but the reason I advice people to wait for this, is because you could put so much effort into something, but if your channel isn't big enough, the videos simply won't get the attention they deserve. Taking example in myself again, if I recorded 100 Let's play episode *20 minutes, and I didn't have an engaged audience, I would have spent 33+ hours (that's just recording, not even editing) with little to no reward.

This sounds simple, and it also sounds stupid to first get collaborations in at this point. However collaborating with other Youtubers who also have big channels, gives both parts a much higher reward than 2 smaller channels working together. Share your audiences, and learn from each other.

This is gonna be my final point, but I wanna point out all the little things that you need to have optimized at this point of a channels growth.

Thumbnails and channel art:
Whether you're with the One Channel layout or not, we can all agree that some thumbnails lead people into clicking way more then others. Putting your text sideways allows for larger and longer texts, try Impact with black outline. Oh and having boobs and/or other sexual attractions is a great help too even though it is looked down upon.

As for your channel art, make it something that really makes people look at it, it should make your page look sleek and well-polished.

Video and audio quality:
At this point in time you're gonna wanna have both a good microphone, and good video regardless of whether you record real-life videos, or a machine created cinema (and that is the original word of the word "Machinima", it's meaning has been misconstruded over the years though)

Audience interaction:
At this point (and actually at any point) you wanna reply to as many comments as possible, of course it won't show all comments anymore, but look through your notifications several times a day. If you're a vlogger try bringing your audience into your videos, whether that be by live interaction or comments being highlighted. If you're a gamer play with them, and upload it, if they're your fan they would love it.

I'm not saying you should reply to every comment, or play with every subscribers. However the general gist is to give something back.

Social media:
You want either a Facebook, or a Twitter, if not both at this point.
Final words:If you're still with me, it means you read my entire guide, I will be answering questions as much as I can on this thread. If you disagree feel free to let me know, I hoped this helped you in some way, and as always: have a nice day! :)

Whoa, now that's a post. lol Great job and thanks for your hard work to help out the community.
It's pathetic really... knowing that to get big you have to post ridiculous, silly, slapstick junk. We've realized for a while now that YouTube is not the place to get famous over your hard work with some indie film type projects...
I estimate with our 2nd series that comes out today, we'll get several thousand views on it but it's driven traffic by me. We have a LARGE network of friends through facebook and stuff that WILL watch it. We even rank first page for the keyword The Romantics on youtube whilst competing with the band AND the movie. But of course when someone types in The Romantics, that doesn't know us, they aren't looking for a web series. It's really hard to find a keyword to get in with for this type of web series.

I have struggled with this since day 1. We want to get people in there to see it but I absolutely refuse to start making silly crap just to get people to look at my channel. The short, silly, gameplay videos are 100% genuine and just happen while I'm playing on Twitch. Those DO work but that's about as far as I'm willing to go. I'm not going to start dressing up like Mario and running around a green screen yelling ridiculous stuff to get all the kiddos to look at me.

Our 30 minute tv show style series comes out this year and we're going to shop it around the Indie film circuit instead. We may kickstart it if we can find an avenue to promote it.

Anyway thanks for confirming my worst nightmare! lol.
May I suggest doing thumbnails that attract viewers at least? I know it sounds f*****g pathetic, but theres only one way up :/
i really want to get the engine going on my channel, this thread has great ideas but are gateway videos always very short? i've done a few and had good success but nothing really major. thats one reason why im here.
i really want to get the engine going on my channel, this thread has great ideas but are gateway videos always very short? i've done a few and had good success but nothing really major. thats one reason why im here.
The only gateway video that worked for me, was a 2 minute video, I had something kinda like it (it was 3:30 and it's nearing 150k views) however the second isn't a gateway video, since even though it's usefull, theres no reason to come back for more content. The first was a funny video, the other was a guide.

Usually short fun stuff is more likely to go semi-viral and become a gateway video, however I'm not saying longer stuff can't do it, just that they're less likely to. I should do a whole other thread on the different levels of "viral". I mean all the way from a few friends to gangnam style, and how much you can do, and when you lose control and have to hope for the best.
May I suggest doing thumbnails that attract viewers at least? I know it sounds f*****g pathetic, but theres only one way up :/

Yeah we're working on those. We're happy with the thumbnails for our web series (season 2 just released and the thumb is too small, being revamped tonight) but a lot of the gameplay thumbnails aren't spectacular. I'm working on those a little every day. Some are great because the other half of our team made them and he's artistic. I am not lol.
Do we really have to resort to boobs to get views? :(
No you don't, of course I'm exaggerating. What you need is good content, this guide just covers the best way to get people to watch your content.
One of the biggest points are gateway videos, you won't get a gateway video from a 1 hour walkthrough of call of duty, or a 40 minute vlog about your life. However maybe a short fun vlog covering a wide topic, or some other stuff will be a better gateway video, so that when you someday in the future make your 40 minute vlog you're gonna have engaged people ready to watch it.

In case you didn't read my entire guide, I use myself as an example, I refuse to start doing Let's plays till I have 10k subs (in less than 7 days :D) simply because otherwise they wouldn't get any views, or do anything for my channel.
No you don't, of course I'm exaggerating. What you need is good content, this guide just covers the best way to get people to watch your content.
One of the biggest points are gateway videos, you won't get a gateway video from a 1 hour walkthrough of call of duty, or a 40 minute vlog about your life. However maybe a short fun vlog covering a wide topic, or some other stuff will be a better gateway video, so that when you someday in the future make your 40 minute vlog you're gonna have engaged people ready to watch it.

In case you didn't read my entire guide, I use myself as an example, I refuse to start doing Let's plays till I have 10k subs (in less than 7 days :D) simply because otherwise they wouldn't get any views, or do anything for my channel.

I do like your guide, it was very helpful. I don't understand, however, what a gateway video is. I haven't been posting videos long enough to know the jargon, lol. I did do an introduction to me as a gamer, but I did do a few videos of games first which I suppose are like LPs. I think I perhaps should have started with my introduction first to see how that rode out. I think I just got excited about making videos and went overboard :eek: