Talent contract for YouTube videos?


Does anyone know where I can find or how to draft a legally-binding contract for talent in use for YouTube videos? One that would be for a one-time, non-recurring for payment that are no less than $50, but no more than $1,000? The contract would have to stipulate that the talent in question is for playing a created, scripted character. Not something that's off the hook, "slice-of-life" documentary style (AKA me pulling out my smart phone and recording my friends saying funny things inside an Old Navy that isn't scripted whatsoever and it's just them being themselves).

You would need to adapt a Model Release Form. This is the contract that allows you to use a model's image commercially without being sued over it. You should start by finding a model release template relevant to the state you'll be filming in and getting it modified by a lawyer for your specific situation.