The way this made me feel is hard to explain. I cannot deny how amazing your talent for editing and special effects is. You also have a talent for.. I would call it "nerd humor" nerd humor is the kind of humor that like.. it's hard to explain.. only nerds get it, and to everyone else it is... it's not bad or negative, we just recognize it as having that "nerd humor vibe" and you had that going on with alot of the more comical aspects going on. it doesn't make me laugh out loud but it makes me like you more, I might crack a smile and go "hehe.. nerd humor, I like that" if you feel me.
But here's the problem. What I did NOT sense, was that I was watching something "unfold". You know how with a really entertaining action vlog, a premise is set up in your mind in the beginning, and then you watch it unfold, the action sequences impact you because of the premise that was established, you "know what's going on", you're "in on the story"
Now this, while I had no trouble understanding you, felt more like a random flashing of cool scenes. Cool scene after cool scene, but what is going on? It left me with a sensation like you feel when you see parlor tricks, I'd feel like "ok one more, clap clap haha good one, oh alright let's watch one more hehe, nice!" kinda like that, but it was like "ok that's a neat trick, now I'd like to see something with substance"
Now here's where this gets REEEALLY tricky for me. Sometimes, actually quite often, my friends can follow stories I can't. This may indeed have given clues as to what was really going on more than I knew, or there was a joke I wasn't getting, or something, it's quite possible. So I'm left unsure what to suggest.
I think for me, I would have rather this vlog kind of... if it had evolved into something. If at the end every character had a huge blow out round or if there was even a shred of story that I was waiting to see the outcome of. I didn't feel that so the "I must keep watching" feeling wasn't there.
And lastly (my reviews are NEVER this long btw) I think it is ALWAYS a bad idea to flash text so fast people can't read it. What happens is the persons eyes start to read the text but don't get it's message, this creates a sensation of being distracted by something that tells you nothing. It's.. look I'll be frank it's annoying. So when you put text on the screen, read it in your head at a normal speed and leave it as long as it takes you to. Comfortably, not speed reading.
That is about all I have for you at this time.