Strategies For Uploading Consistently?


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Sorry if this has been answered already, but I'm just curious as to how some of you guys are able to push out three videos a week or daily uploads.

I've just been wondering as to how you guys split up your free time and schedule it for YouTube, is it the type of content that you make that allows you to upload quickly? Or do you just pour every free minute you have into YouTube?

It took me about two weeks to push out a video even with the holidays (going through scripting, recording, thumbnails, etc) so I'm not sure how I'll be able to during the rest of the season.

Thanks for any help!
Im job hunting right now but Id say You get a decent amount out of 3-6 hours out of the day. Now editing thats what will get its pretty time consuming depending on what you do at least free up maybe 1 hr a vid if its long,if short half hour. But this is just kinda how I do mine because Im decent at 1st takes on my vids
if you let the calendar or clock dictate when you upload something you're going to reduce the content quality by a lot in my opinion. Just uploading something/anything because it happens to be say Tuesday doesn't make it a good idea. Make a good video thats worth watching and uploaded when it's finished. Thats a good plan right there! thought of it myself :)
It took me about two weeks to push out a video even with the holidays (going through scripting, recording, thumbnails, etc) so I'm not sure how I'll be able to during the rest of the season.
This really isn't so weird. The amount and frequency you can upload with really depends on your content. It sometimes takes me two weeks to edit a vlog, but a sit-down-talk video of mine can be edited in two days. It really depends on how you make your content, how much time you can (and should) spend on it and if you prefer quantity over quality.
I produce 4-5 videos per week and upload 4. I have optimized things so that it's relatively easy to make the videos, it is generally plug-and-play. I write at work over lunch and can script 1-2 videos per day. I will record, either first thing in the morning before I go to work or late night before I go to bed and put the video together the other time, depending on what I have ready. Then I can just leave it rendering while I'm in bed or at work. I actually have a tremendous backlog of videos ready, at the moment I think I have 6 weeks worth of videos completed and ready to upload. I will upload and schedule videos on weekends so I don't have to worry about it during the week. It took a while to get it down, but now that I have it, it's very easy.
Some videos do take longer then others, I'll admit that. But the more you script, film, edit, upload, etc; whatever steps you take in your process. The more you do it the fast and better you get at it without losing the quality of your content. But overall it is about making time. Sometimes I know I won't be able to upload on certain days. So I'll edit a bunch and then schedule my uploads throughout the next week so I have time to work on the next videos I want to create. =]
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Don’t make uploading a chore. Make realistic goals. Even the top YouTubers started uploading at a slower rate than they do now. We get so infatuated in what others are doing and decide that is what makes us successful, but really that is what happened after becoming successful. What made them successful was their consistency and dedication to their schedule no matter if you decide to upload daily, weekly, or monthly.

A once a week scheduled for me is perfect and if I get ahead then I will schedule them out for future weeks. Once I get far enough ahead I can rethink the schedule based on being able to produce more than 1 per week and having a backlog of scheduled videos.

However as a side note my wife thinks I’m just being lazy and wants me to upload daily. I still can’t convince her that why we are still small has nothing to do with upload rate. More with content, thumbnail, and SEO.

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if you let the calendar or clock dictate when you upload something you're going to reduce the content quality by a lot in my opinion. Just uploading something/anything because it happens to be say Tuesday doesn't make it a good idea. Make a good video thats worth watching and uploaded when it's finished. Thats a good plan right there! thought of it myself :)
I'd second that. The worst is releasing something you've rushed or were pressured into releasing, because then you get back to it and realize how much better it could've been, and there's no second chance. Unless you do another video on the same topic if you've really left out that much...
Users know quality, they aren't that easily fooled, and I'd say put in effort vs schedule.
Unless you have NBTD or have a massive production team by your side, at least 1 per week or fortnight is fine.

If you could produce more than 1 video, schedule the rest and just... rest. You won't get burned out easily.