Someone mass disliking my videos- what do


I Love YTtalk
Okay so, Yes, dislikes are a part of YouTube, and they're unavoidable at times BUT
I've had a little 'argument' with someone, not an actual argument I just commented to defend someone on someone elses videos, he followed me to my channel, disliked 8 videos and commented on two (which I have deleted, not replied to, and reported him for, hopefully that will get rid of the dislikes..)
I have blocked him, but I know that doesn't actually do anything... It stops their comments from showing up, but from what I've heard it doesn't stop them from actually commenting, just hides them from you.. which isn't very useful!!
What should I do in this specific incident? I've not replied to him since.. I just think it's sad af for him to follow me to my channel to harass me LOL
Has anyone had any luck in getting dislikes removed?

Anyyy tips would be lovely, thank you!
And yes... I know I shouldn't feed the trolls... i'm sorry
What i've heard is dislikes and comments are considered interaction on youtube, so dislikes might actually trigger your videos to be active and become more likely to appear on recommended lists etc.

There is no way to remove the dislike unless the actual person who disliked it gets rid off it.

To my understanding, deleting the comment does remove it from all to see.

One dislike on a video isnt going to drive it down or anything and i doubt anyone who is interested in your video will be discouraged to watch it because there is a dislike.

If the comment is intimidating/harassing or extremely rude etc, you can report it to youtube so it can get reviewed.

In the future i would keep your channel profile separate from your personal youtube viewing/activity.
I have a separate gmail account when i want to watch youtube and comment on things.

All the best - dont let this incident bring you down. My channel is on a completely neutral topic and i still get one or two dislikes. It happens. The internet is full of strange people
Not a lot you can do to remove dislikes but he is inadvertently helping your channel.

It may not seem like it but a dislike and a comment counts as interaction, and if a channel has a lot of likes but also a lot of dislikes the algorithm sees this as 'controversial' and continues to promote it more.
Just ignore it and move on (and get used to it!) - eventually the troll will get bored..
And although there is no documentation about it published by YouTube, the general thinking is that a thumbs down does count as an ‘interaction’ and may be helpful as @Ocean Chan mentioned. I dont think Youtube would be dumb enough to allow competitors to game the system with thumbs up or attack competitors with thumbs-down.
Not much you can do I'm afraid. Rather than blocking him, you should use the "Hide this user's comments" option - That way he will keep wasting his time writing comments that nobody can see and he doesn't get an alert that you've done it so he won't get any satisfaction that he has annoyed you. From his point of view, it's as though you haven't even noticed his comments which is the best way of ignoring someone.

He'll soon get bored and move on. ^^
It's unavoidable, I've had that happen a few times myself, and ultimately though, it doesn't do much damage. Unless this person has like 10 thousand accounts, they won't do anything significant, so no worries.
Ignore it, it used to happen on my older channel. If you react, or call them out it just makes them want to do it before. Just keep uploading and do your best to tune out the dislikes.
I do not use my YT brand channel to respond to any topic that is not related to my niche. I have a separate personal channel that I use to engage in controversial discussions or arguments.